There's a new kid on the block who goes by the name of 'Cottam' and he sure is causing a bit of a stir. His first EP hit the shops in September, showcasing a most refined ear for deep midtempo grooves (reminiscent of Mark E's recent output), which was awarded record of the week by both Piccadilly and Phonica. No mean feat for a debut release!
I managed to pick up Cottam #2 at Rush Hour in Amsterdam this weekend. This second installment follows the same recipe: midtempo headnodding fodder of the highest order. The A side is a mesmerizing loopy affair that goes on for ages before cleaverly weaving in Angie Stone's classic 'Pissed Off'. Cottam takes it back to the motherland on the flip, where he serves up some crisp deep drums, African chants and dubby trumpet stabs.
Essential stuff, don't sleep on this, there's only 300 copies around (no repress).
Pick up a copy here
Have a listen to the B side of Cottam #2 here:
Cottam2-Side B by Cottam
Meanwhile, keep an eye out for Cottam #3 and for Ruff Draft, Cottam's own imprint that should see the light of day someday soon.
How could have not known about this! Killer stuff. Cheers!