The A here fires off the title track Ride Into The Red Zone, a right classy deep houser a-la 90s era that ventures into proper slowhouse territory complete with a great male vocal, dubby low end sub-bass and a serious late night vibe that all combine to make this one of the best house tunes I've heard in some time. An instant winner here at SBHQ, this one's my pick. The B flips us Spanky Spanky, a right infectious rework of Jimmy Bo Horne's killer 70s disco cut 'Spank' that will get things hopping quick; keys, a dash of horns, floating synthline, OOFT drums (TM) and a pinch of OOFT magic and you have a killer building workout that will get hands clapping, feet shuffling and many an inquisitive mind zipping from the dancefloor to the booth from the get go. Check out Ride Into the Red Zone here:
Do yourself a favour and add this delicious record to your collection by clicking here; pretty sure this one's vinyl only so don't be daft by waiting for digi. Be sure to catch the OOFT guys on their whirlwind djing ventures when they're not updating their stellar blog, there's constantly new edits to be had plus great links to anything and everything music-related. Essential fare.
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