My Ride has to be the cut that cruises directly up my alley, with a few twists along the way. Timing in wonderfully slow, this unique track rocks a thunderous bassline, some delightful raindrop-style keys and strong strings. The vocal is absolutely stand-out on this tune, with soul brother number one going on about fixing his ride so he can get to the disco through the storm...man, I can relate. The crescendo busts out with an up-front n' heavy piano riff that rides things out nicely. Peep this one in the stellar recent Melbourne Deepcast mix done up by SB's very own Monsieur Monod, if you haven't checked it out already. Sensation is a punchy yet tropical trip that floats along with quite cleverly positioned vocal snippets that juxtapose nicely. The result is a timeless piece of dance music that soothes the soul and is sure to put a smile on some faces. Finally, The Only One cranks up the tempo for an absolutely sweaty dancefloor belter with a b-line to write home about. Complimenting keys and yet another killer soul vocal (we're thinking Sister Sledge here, but can't be sure) make for a killer tune. Drop this one and dancefloor madness is bound to ensue.
Three solid flavours to choose from here on this lovely release then, and plus she comes on beautiful clear vinyl which is an obvious bonus. Grab it here to give her a good home and play her loud. And be sure to stop by the Kolour blog for news on all things Kolour related. We like!
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