Sorry we haven't been posting as much lately, but all of us men of Sleaze have little babies keeping us up all night now, and it's proving increasingly difficult to squeeze in a little review in between changing nappies, running the label and falling asleep on the couch watching reruns of antique roadshow. We'll try to pick up the pace a little though in the next few weeks, as there's a barrage of awesome music coming our ways. The upcoming Wolf Music release deserves a few words, the new Dikso release ticks all the right boxes for us, Onur Engin is about to launch his own edit imprint, LTJ 'Supervalue' XPerience is dropping bombs left and right, Delusions of Grandeur's Norm De Plume put out a most tasty pair of edits on his new label Plumage... the list seems endless. We'll try to cover at least a few of these beasts to help you fill your christmas stockings.
Just a few lines about the new release on the ever classy Voyeurhythm before we leave you to it though, arguably the most underrated label around. I've professed my love for everything Benjamin Sun touches on numerous occasions, he makes music so deep and emotive it puts moodymann to shame. Moody, stringy deepness is not the only thing the guys over at Vouyeurythm do well though, as Megadon Betamax aptly showcases on Don't Ask. The outfit's refreshingly analog leftfield boogie disco bits funk like a bastard and scream for loud systems. Irresistable stuff, stupidly awesome. Why this isn't on the number one position of Juno's sales chart is beyond me.
Pick up a copy here
PS There's another Voyeurhythm record dropping in December, so keep em peeled.
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