The new one by the crown prince of dirty disco entitled 'The Migration Ep' on Japan's Sound of Speed imprint has finally hit the shops. I've been hitting refresh on my browser daily to see if it's finally in stock ever since it popped up on Juno months ago. The A1 'Migration' is a suspenseful and relentless midtempo cut with heavy slap bass and disco strings, with carefully constructed vocal breakdowns. 'Keepin' On' is a perfect slice of downtempo electronic soul sure to warm your heart with its sublime female vocal about "drifting on your love" that laces Eddie's tight drums and melodies together effortlessly. Flip it over for the uptempo disco-house loveliness of 'Give It To Me'; one to whip out prime time. Finally the moody, breezy keys create a restless and stellar groove in the EP closer, 'Days Like These'.
An all-round monumental package of a record this, seriously. Easily buy on sight material - it's 99.9% sure to sell out we reckon. Grab it here, or any other worthy retailer.
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