Damn, loads of great new music coming out these days ("vinyl is dead" my ass). We already covered Francis Inferno Orchestra's ace new record for Under The Shade last week, but there's a shedload of other great records that deserve a mention on these pages, so here's three picks to get your early Christmas shopping going.
OOFT - Just Peachy (Wolf Music)
New music from The Wolf Music camp is always a treat, and their 7th outing definately doesn't disappoint. As we've come to expect, it's a sampler with 4 different artists. Winner for me is OOFT, who whip a cheeky Melba Moore sample into a deephouse frenzy on the smashing 'Just Peachy'. Can't get enough of this track, been playing it all over the place.
Just Peachy by aliOOFT
Buy the heavy pressing (180 gr!) of this record here
Erdbeerschnitzel - Suave (4Lux)
Goddamnit I love Erdbeerschnitzel, I love everything he touches. Been itching to get my hands on Suave for what seems like a million years, a cut that Gerd wisely snapped up for his classy 4Lux imprint. By now we know what a ballache it can be to get a record out (the term 'music professional' does not apply to 80% of the people that actually work in the music business) so kudos to Gerd and Tim Keiling for sitting this one out and making it happen. If you liked the records on Third Strike, you'll love this one, and Suave in particular, it's a slice of awesome future electronic soul.
Buy a copy here
Deep Space Orchestra - Clockwork Ninja (Weapons of Use)
Speaking of classy future electronic soul, we're in good company with Deep Space Orchestra, who just released Trust Skynet, the debut single on their new label Weapons of Use. I'd buy this on the strength of the Terminator reference alone, but the 4 tracks on offer are rather excellent too. Trust Skynet will go down very well with discerning deephouse crowds (and having The Revenge on remix duty won't hurt things either), but for me it's Clockwork Ninja that's ticklin' my pickle. Have a listen for youself:
Deep Space Orchestra - Clockwork Ninja - Use of Weapons by Deep Space Orchestra
I can't wait to start a new mix with this badboy, awesome stuff. Buy a copy over at Rubadub, it comes in a lovely sleeve with proper artwork
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