We're over the moon to see our latest labour of love out in the shops, a platter of cheeky 80's disco and downbeat grooves courtesy of The Francis Inferno Orchestra. The kind people over at Juno posted this lovely little review:
"Following releases on Dikso, Wolf Music and Under The Shade rising South Side talent Francis Inferno Orchestra turns up on the imprint of one of his staunchest fans, Sleazy Beats. Anyone who has indulged in the young Melbournite's aforementioned productions will have no inclination to read on before purchase; but for the remaining minority - if you like heavy beat down bumps that sit between disco and mid tempo house then the three tracks that form The Night He Came Home will definitely excite. Both "Rush Back" and "The Fire Is Real" are slick updates of the 80s disco template, though it's the chuggier second track that really impresses especially once FIO indulges in some subaqueous filtration. The flipside sweetness of "Love" has been tweaked before but FIO does enough to stamp his own production personality on it"
We put up samples on our soundcloud page, which you can listen here:
Head over to one of these fine haunts for a copy (they seem to be going quite fast, so don't wait too long if you want one!):
recieved my copy today. :) thanks guys again for the great music