A little while ago, we made a solemn vow to plug and pimp all things Voyeurhythm, one of the most underrated imprints in the disco/house scene. If you've been reading these little reviews over the past years, you know that the Voyeurhythm boys really push the envelope with their output. It's commendable they refuse to stick to one specific style. They've released squelchy analog boogie cuts, synthy disco tracks and motorcity soul nuggets of the deepest variety, all to great effect. It's Ben Sun's deep, moody and broody cuts like 'Salty Tears' and 'Victoria Park' that have been getting the most attention, and deservedly so. We already covered his sublime recent remix of Deep Space Orchestra on Boogie Originals. We might even have mentioned that he also had a remix of Tyson Ballard (Voyeurhythm label boss) out.
We might not have mentioned that it's without a doubt one of the best things we've heard this year. Mr. Sun completely reconstructed Ballard's gloopy, chuggy original and took it to much deeper and moodier plains with subtle drums, strings and synths. It's by no means hands-in-the-air-woop-woop material but it's been glued to my 1200 for the past weeks and I simply can't get enough of it. Wonderful stuff, just wonderful.
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