One of the perks of running a label is you get to justify spending a good portion of your day browsing record shops for all the new releases, and to catch up on old stuff you might have missed (baby I'll give you a footrub later, I'm doing label research right now). Just a couple of weeks ago while 'working' we stumble across these 2 Inkswel releases on Amsterdam imprint Boogie Bash, two of which are by this Inkswel chap. So we click for a listen and are pretty rocked by what came out the speakers. Hard to nail down genre-wise, if we had to describe it we'd go with psychadelic boogie-funk meets cosmic hiphop meets mid-tempo casio-deephouse...with a twist, or something. Or not, I don't know. Those that know the man might recognize him from the blinding remix of the 70s soul & disco group Darwin's Theory track 'Accept The Truth' that dropped a few months ago, along with Superior Elevation boss Tom Noble on the flip - a BIG 7" that sold out in a flash...*poof* like that, it was gone...too bad so sad. Oh and we've just been informed that it was Inkswel himself who played the skins on this record as well - a man of many talents. Right then, back to the Boogie Bash 12".
The latest incarnation to come from Inkswel HQ is BB003 entitled the 'Glass Tear Groove EP', the second in the B.Bash series by the man. Kicking things off is the title track, a (partially) uptempo boogie ride that switches up the mood between super smooth vocals by Zackey Force Funk and light synth work, to an all-of-a-sudden more 4x4 punchier beat with a darker bassline. This production style really works a treat, we love it x infinity. A2, 'Good Times' is a raw emotive track (compared to the Tom Noble rub on the B) with crunchy electro-claps and another great female vocal about trying to "make it" in this crazy game of love. More smooth synthwork, and as well really 90s sounding punchy jungle-style bassline.
And that's just the Aside. Whew.
Flip this fine slab over for my pick - the remix of 'Good Times' that slows er' down a bit in the bpm dept, adds a quickened snare that moves things along amidst more of that ace deep, noodly keywork and airy synth stabs. Add a pinch of badass bassline to spice up the punch and voila! Awesome track. Actually maybe the final B2 is my fave, 'Who's Fooling Who', another more downtempo, upfront, and completely raw hip-hop styled head-nodder is primed for getting any sort of boogie-inspired party going quick. Love this track to bits too.
We've heard through the grapevine that this record is close to sold out, so grab it here asap. And while you're snapping this up be sure to grab Inkswel's first outing on Boogie Bash (BB002) that was released earlier this year. It's almost just as ace, worth picking up for 'She Likes Techno' alone. Be on the lookout for more from the man, word on the street is he's got a couple of stone-cold killers lined up for early 2012 on a couple of our fave labels. Keep em' peeled.
And while you're waiting for your new Inkswel records, be sure to check a recent mix by him here, killer stuff:
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