Our buddies from Outernational are about to release their sophomore EP and it's quite a special one while they're at it. I first met Mitchell and Dragan, the dudes behind the Rotterdam based label, at a Mark E party here in Holland, where we got chatting about music, running a record label and other shenanigans over a few beers. We've been keeping in touch ever since (hey, we're the only two Dutch labels that push this sound, got to stick together) and even got to play some records side by side at their first SLOW party a few months ago. After the overnight success of their debut release - Kastil's Dusty Edits vol 1 - the Outernational Men were in a bit of a pickle. So many good producers out there, who to pick for the - always difficult - second release?
They cleverly opted for a four track sampler with three different artists. We've discussed the merits of mini-comps on these pages before, so by now you should know I'm a big sucker for these things. When done right, they're serious value for money, a great way for budding producers to get a break on wax, and make it easier to switch things up a little and release music that's just a tad bit more left-of-center and - major personal pet peeve - skip the obligatory, uninspired, run-off-the-mill remix(es).
Things are definately done properly here too. All four tracks on "One For The Road" are marvellous and would have been worth the entry ticket alone. Kastil, for example, makes a welcome return to the label with a charming vintage deephouser, aptly called 'She's Back'. The infectious groove, snappy claps and vocal samples are sure to please heads and punters alike. The A2 track is a delicious moody adventure with understated drums and a juicy b-line conjured up by Rotterdam's own Ben La Desh, a talent we're sure to hear more from in the coming years.
On the flip, Tomas Malo (of Taikomochi fame) delivers two tracks. 'Scenesters' is a choppy and chuggy housed up filterfest, complete with a big big breakdown: perfect peaktime fodder. The grand finale of the EP is 'Shelter', a delicious slow burning beatdown number I would have signed for Sleazy Beats in a heartbeat.
Have a listen to snips of all the tracks below:
OUTNL002 - VA - One For The Road by Outernational Recordings
Fantastic record, which you really ought to buy. Coming out early December so stick it on your Christmas wishlist and dig up some 12" stockings. Meanwhile, keep checking the excellent Outernational site for the exact release date. Hawt!
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