Sleazy Peek: Studio 58 - Midnight Wires [Lemonade Records]


Lemonade. Not a fan, never have been.
At least not of the drinkable kind the likes of the Coca-Cola company or overzealous girl scouts are trying to shove down my throat as soon as the first rays of sunlight burst through Belgium's infamous grey skies.

But things have changed lately, and one could even say I'm slightly loco for Lemonade nowadays.
Because during the early days of this year's summer, Lemonade Records made it's first appearance onto the scene.

Refreshing. Quenching that thirst for funkiness.
And easy on the hips.

After their first split VA Sampler featuring local producers Lockwood and Sue Avenue alongside Cody Currie, the label run by Arno Lemons presents it's second release in the form of an album titled 'Live At Expo 58'. Distilled from material gathered after a couple of improvised jam sessions between production-duo Sue Avenue, Afro-Cuban & jazz band Compro Oro and funk & soul outfit Big Whoop, and bottled for our listening pleasure.

An in-depth review of the whole release will be following later this week, but for those of you already thirsting for more, we're pouring a glass of soothing, sun-kissed and guitar-infused goodness that goes by the name of 'Mignight Wires'.

Go on, have a sip!
