Following on the most excellent recent Redux compilation, the label kindly sent us its latest EP by 20/20 Soundsystem member, Fernando Pulichino. As we've come to expect from Redux it's a rather fantastic record (with some great artwork on the center labels).
The title track is a midtempo chugger with filthy synth stabs and some sweet looped up humming thrown in for good measure. Fernando speeds things up a little of the flip with Blade Drummer, sticking to the same recipe (sans the humming): a relentless groove, propelled by an organic sounding bassline and filthy synth stabs. Desert comes in the form of a most tasty remix of Scarecrow by our Croatian friend Illja Rudman, who re-arranges the drums and turns in a moody makeover. All three tracks will work a treat on the floor, hard to pick a favorite. It's out now, pick up a copy before it's too late!
And while you're waiting for the mailman to drop off that nice phat square package in a few days, have a listen to the original mix of Scarecrow here:
Redux label boss Andy Whittaker also just finished a new mix, filled to the brim with forthcoming Redux tracks and other goodies, make sure to grab it here.
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